#1• Kiero hacer un menu despegable que este relacionado con otro menu despegable, es decir, que si yo pulso en el menu despegable 1 "animales" en el menu despegalbe 2 me salga para desplegar mamiferos, peces, aves ... por ejemplo. O si pulso en el menu uno equipos pues que en el menu dos me salga barcelona, Madrid, betis ... por poner otro ejemplo. |
#2• www.tuarroba.com hay algo sobre eso |
#3• Esto te puede servir Codigo: <html> <head> <title> NewsMenu </title> <style type="text/css"> .clTopMenu {position:absolute; width:101px; height:150px; clip:rect(0px 101px 14px 0px); layer-background-color:#eeeeee; background-color:#eeeeee; z-index:31; visibility:hidden;} .clTopMenuBottom {position:absolute; width:101px; height:3px; clip:rect(0px 101px 3px 0px); top:11; layer-background-color:#cecfce; background-color:#cecfce; z-index:2;} .clTopMenuText {position:absolute; width:91px; left:5px; top:15px; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:11px; background-color:#eeeeee; z-index:1;} </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /********************************************************************************** NewsMenu * Copyright (C) 2001 Thomas Brattli * This script was released at DHTMLCentral.com *********************************************************************************/ function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed) this.ver=navigator.appVersion this.agent=navigator.userAgent this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0 this.opera5=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera" ![]() this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5" ![]() this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6" ![]() this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6 this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac" ![]() this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5) return this } var bw=lib_bwcheck() /******************************************************************************** If you want to change the appearance of the text, background-colors, size or anything do that in the style tag above. This menu might not be as easy to adapt to your own site, but please play around with it before you mail me for help... ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** Variables to set. ****************************************************************************/ //There are 2 ways these menus can be placed // 0 = column // 1 = row nPlace=0 //How many menus do you have? (remember to copy and add divs in the body if you add menus) var nNumberOfMenus=2 var nMwidth=101 //The width on the menus (set the width in the stylesheet as well) var nPxbetween=20 //Pixels between the menus var nFromleft=10 //The first menus left position var nFromtop=85 //The top position of the menus var nBgcolor='#CECFCE' //The bgColor of the bottom mouseover div var nBgcolorchangeto='#6380BC' //The bgColor to change to var nImageheight=11 //The position the mouseover line div will stop at when going up! /*************************************************************************** You shouldn't have to change anything below this ****************************************************************************/ //Object constructor function makeNewsMenu(obj,nest){ nest=(!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.' this.css=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj).style:bw.ie4?document.all[obj].style:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.evnt=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.scrollHeight=bw.ns4?this.css.document.height:this.evnt.offsetHeight this.moveIt=b_moveIt;this.bgChange=b_bgChange; this.slideUp=b_slideUp; this.slideDown=b_slideDown; this.clipTo=b_clipTo; this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this" ![]() } //Objects methods // A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer. var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px"; function b_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=this.x+px; this.css.top=this.y+px;} function b_bgChange(color){this.css.backgroundColor=color; this.css.bgColor=color; this.css.background=color;} function b_clipTo(t,r,b,l){ if(bw.ns4){this.css.clip.top=t; this.css.clip.right=r; this.css.clip.bottom=b; this.css.clip.left=l }else this.css.clip="rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"; } function b_slideUp(ystop,moveby,speed,fn,wh){ if(!this.slideactive){ if(this.y>ystop){ this.moveIt(this.x,this.y-5); eval(wh) setTimeout(this.obj+".slideUp("+ystop+","+moveby+","+speed+",'"+fn+"','"+wh+"')",speed) }else{ this.slideactive=false; this.moveIt(0,ystop); eval(fn) } } } function b_slideDown(ystop,moveby,speed,fn,wh){ if(!this.slideactive){ if(this.y<ystop){ this.moveIt(this.x,this.y+5); eval(wh) setTimeout(this.obj+".slideDown("+ystop+","+moveby+","+speed+",'"+fn+"','"+wh+"')",speed) }else{ this.slideactive=false; this.moveIt(0,ystop); eval(fn) } } } //Initiating the page, making cross-browser objects function newsMenuInit(){ oTopMenu=new Array() zindex=10 for(i=0;i<=nNumberOfMenus;i++){ oTopMenu=new Array() oTopMenu[0]=new makeNewsMenu('divTopMenu'+i) oTopMenu[1]=new makeNewsMenu('divTopMenuBottom'+i,'divTopMenu'+i) oTopMenu[2]=new makeNewsMenu('divTopMenuText'+i,'divTopMenu'+i) oTopMenu[1].moveIt(0,nImageheight) oTopMenu[0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,nImageheight+3,0) if(!nPlace) oTopMenu[0].moveIt(i*nMwidth+nFromleft+(i*nPxbetween),nFromtop) else{ oTopMenu[0].moveIt(nFromleft,i*nImageheight+nFromtop+(i*nPxbetween)) oTopMenu[0].css.zIndex=zindex-- } oTopMenu[0].css.visibility="visible" } } //Moves the menu function topMenu(num){ if(oTopMenu[num][1].y==nImageheight) oTopMenu[num][1].slideDown(oTopMenu[num][2].scrollHeight+20,10,40,'oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)','oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)') else if(oTopMenu[num][1].y==oTopMenu[num][2].scrollHeight+20) oTopMenu[num][1].slideUp(nImageheight,10,40,'oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)','oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)') } //Changes background onmouseover function menuOver(num){oTopMenu[num][1].bgChange(nBgcolorchangeto)} function menuOut(num){oTopMenu[num][1].bgChange(nBgcolor)} //Calls the init function onload if the browser is ok... if (bw.bw) onload = newsMenuInit; /*************** Multiple Scripts If you have two or more scripts that use the onload event, probably only one will run (the last one). Here is a solution for starting multiple scripts onload: 1. Delete or comment out all the onload assignments, onload=initScroll and things like that. 2. Put the onload assignments in the body tag like in this example, note that they must have braces (). Example: <body onload="initScroll(); initTooltips(); initMenu();"> **************/ </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <!-- Remember the "news" "key control" and "page contols" text are images, you probably want to change those with your own images. If your own images have different sizes please adjust the height and clips of the divs, and change the nImageheight variable in the script. Good luck --> <div id="divTopMenu0" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(0)" onmouseout="menuOut(0)" onclick="topMenu(0); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();"><img src="news.gif" width=101 height=11 alt="" border=0 align="top"></a> <div id="divTopMenuText0" class="clTopMenuText"> Added some link to me buttons and advertising info and a new script and a new tutorial.<br><br> Remember to join the newsletter! </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottom0" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> <div id="divTopMenu1" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(1)" onmouseout="menuOut(1)" onclick="topMenu(1); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();"><img src="keycontrol.gif" width=101 height=11 alt="" border=0 align="top"></a> <div id="divTopMenuText1" class="clTopMenuText"> 1-6=Menu controls<br> M=Menuchange<br> N=News<br> K=Key controls<br> P=Page control<br> A=Scroll down<br> Z=Scroll up<br> S=Scriptomania<br><br> </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottom1" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> <div id="divTopMenu2" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(2)" onmouseout="menuOut(2)" onclick="topMenu(2); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();"><img src="pagecontrol.gif" width=101 height=11 alt="" border=0 align="top"></a> <div id="divTopMenuText2" class="clTopMenuText"> Text here. </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottom2" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> <!-- To add a new menu just copy these lines: <div id="divTopMenuN" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(N)" onmouseout="menuOut(N)" onclick="topMenu(N); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();">HEADING IMAGE GOES HERE</a> <div id="divTopMenuTextN" class="clTopMenuText"> TEXT HERE </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottomN" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> And change the letter N to a number higher then the last menu... (and remember to set the variable nNumberOfMenus in the script to the same number of menus you have (remember it starts counting at 0) --><br><br> </body> </html> De interés Público
NO AGREGARME COMO AMIGO, gracias Asuntos claros en los temas Consultas en temas no afines serán borradas Tratemos de expresarnos bien, que así da gusto leer |
#4• Escrito originalmente por gaf Esto te puede servir Codigo: <html> <head> <title> NewsMenu </title> <style type="text/css"> .clTopMenu {position:absolute; width:101px; height:150px; clip:rect(0px 101px 14px 0px); layer-background-color:#eeeeee; background-color:#eeeeee; z-index:31; visibility:hidden;} .clTopMenuBottom {position:absolute; width:101px; height:3px; clip:rect(0px 101px 3px 0px); top:11; layer-background-color:#cecfce; background-color:#cecfce; z-index:2;} .clTopMenuText {position:absolute; width:91px; left:5px; top:15px; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:11px; background-color:#eeeeee; z-index:1;} </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /********************************************************************************** NewsMenu * Copyright (C) 2001 Thomas Brattli * This script was released at DHTMLCentral.com *********************************************************************************/ function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed) this.ver=navigator.appVersion this.agent=navigator.userAgent this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0 this.opera5=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")>-1 && document.getElementById)?1:0 this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6 this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1 this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5) return this } var bw=lib_bwcheck() /******************************************************************************** If you want to change the appearance of the text, background-colors, size or anything do that in the style tag above. This menu might not be as easy to adapt to your own site, but please play around with it before you mail me for help... ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** Variables to set. ****************************************************************************/ //There are 2 ways these menus can be placed // 0 = column // 1 = row nPlace=0 //How many menus do you have? (remember to copy and add divs in the body if you add menus) var nNumberOfMenus=2 var nMwidth=101 //The width on the menus (set the width in the stylesheet as well) var nPxbetween=20 //Pixels between the menus var nFromleft=10 //The first menus left position var nFromtop=85 //The top position of the menus var nBgcolor='#CECFCE' //The bgColor of the bottom mouseover div var nBgcolorchangeto='#6380BC' //The bgColor to change to var nImageheight=11 //The position the mouseover line div will stop at when going up! /*************************************************************************** You shouldn't have to change anything below this ****************************************************************************/ //Object constructor function makeNewsMenu(obj,nest){ nest=(!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.' this.css=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj).style:bw.ie4?document.all[obj].style:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.evnt=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.scrollHeight=bw.ns4?this.css.document.height:this.evnt.offsetHeight this.moveIt=b_moveIt;this.bgChange=b_bgChange; this.slideUp=b_slideUp; this.slideDown=b_slideDown; this.clipTo=b_clipTo; this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this") } //Objects methods // A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer. var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px"; function b_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=this.x+px; this.css.top=this.y+px;} function b_bgChange(color){this.css.backgroundColor=color; this.css.bgColor=color; this.css.background=color;} function b_clipTo(t,r,b,l){ if(bw.ns4){this.css.clip.top=t; this.css.clip.right=r; this.css.clip.bottom=b; this.css.clip.left=l }else this.css.clip="rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"; } function b_slideUp(ystop,moveby,speed,fn,wh){ if(!this.slideactive){ if(this.y>ystop){ this.moveIt(this.x,this.y-5); eval(wh) setTimeout(this.obj+".slideUp("+ystop+","+moveby+","+speed+",'"+fn+"','"+wh+"')",speed) }else{ this.slideactive=false; this.moveIt(0,ystop); eval(fn) } } } function b_slideDown(ystop,moveby,speed,fn,wh){ if(!this.slideactive){ if(this.y<ystop){ this.moveIt(this.x,this.y+5); eval(wh) setTimeout(this.obj+".slideDown("+ystop+","+moveby+","+speed+",'"+fn+"','"+wh+"')",speed) }else{ this.slideactive=false; this.moveIt(0,ystop); eval(fn) } } } //Initiating the page, making cross-browser objects function newsMenuInit(){ oTopMenu=new Array() zindex=10 for(i=0;i<=nNumberOfMenus;i++){ oTopMenu=new Array() oTopMenu[0]=new makeNewsMenu('divTopMenu'+i) oTopMenu[1]=new makeNewsMenu('divTopMenuBottom'+i,'divTopMenu'+i) oTopMenu[2]=new makeNewsMenu('divTopMenuText'+i,'divTopMenu'+i) oTopMenu[1].moveIt(0,nImageheight) oTopMenu[0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,nImageheight+3,0) if(!nPlace) oTopMenu[0].moveIt(i*nMwidth+nFromleft+(i*nPxbetween),nFromtop) else{ oTopMenu[0].moveIt(nFromleft,i*nImageheight+nFromtop+(i*nPxbetween)) oTopMenu[0].css.zIndex=zindex-- } oTopMenu[0].css.visibility="visible" } } //Moves the menu function topMenu(num){ if(oTopMenu[num][1].y==nImageheight) oTopMenu[num][1].slideDown(oTopMenu[num][2].scrollHeight+20,10,40,'oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)','oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)') else if(oTopMenu[num][1].y==oTopMenu[num][2].scrollHeight+20) oTopMenu[num][1].slideUp(nImageheight,10,40,'oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)','oTopMenu['+num+'][0].clipTo(0,nMwidth,oTopMenu['+num+'][1].y+3,0)') } //Changes background onmouseover function menuOver(num){oTopMenu[num][1].bgChange(nBgcolorchangeto)} function menuOut(num){oTopMenu[num][1].bgChange(nBgcolor)} //Calls the init function onload if the browser is ok... if (bw.bw) onload = newsMenuInit; /*************** Multiple Scripts If you have two or more scripts that use the onload event, probably only one will run (the last one). Here is a solution for starting multiple scripts onload: 1. Delete or comment out all the onload assignments, onload=initScroll and things like that. 2. Put the onload assignments in the body tag like in this example, note that they must have braces (). Example: <body onload="initScroll(); initTooltips(); initMenu();"> **************/ </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <!-- Remember the "news" "key control" and "page contols" text are images, you probably want to change those with your own images. If your own images have different sizes please adjust the height and clips of the divs, and change the nImageheight variable in the script. Good luck --> <div id="divTopMenu0" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(0)" onmouseout="menuOut(0)" onclick="topMenu(0); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();"><img src="news.gif" width=101 height=11 alt="" border=0 align="top"></a> <div id="divTopMenuText0" class="clTopMenuText"> Added some link to me buttons and advertising info and a new script and a new tutorial.<br><br> Remember to join the newsletter! </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottom0" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> <div id="divTopMenu1" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(1)" onmouseout="menuOut(1)" onclick="topMenu(1); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();"><img src="keycontrol.gif" width=101 height=11 alt="" border=0 align="top"></a> <div id="divTopMenuText1" class="clTopMenuText"> 1-6=Menu controls<br> M=Menuchange<br> N=News<br> K=Key controls<br> P=Page control<br> A=Scroll down<br> Z=Scroll up<br> S=Scriptomania<br><br> </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottom1" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> <div id="divTopMenu2" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(2)" onmouseout="menuOut(2)" onclick="topMenu(2); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();"><img src="pagecontrol.gif" width=101 height=11 alt="" border=0 align="top"></a> <div id="divTopMenuText2" class="clTopMenuText"> Text here. </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottom2" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> <!-- To add a new menu just copy these lines: <div id="divTopMenuN" class="clTopMenu"><a href="#" onmouseover="menuOver(N)" onmouseout="menuOut(N)" onclick="topMenu(N); return false;" onfocus="if(this.blur)this.blur();">HEADING IMAGE GOES HERE</a> <div id="divTopMenuTextN" class="clTopMenuText"> TEXT HERE </div> <div id="divTopMenuBottomN" class="clTopMenuBottom"></div> </div> And change the letter N to a number higher then the last menu... (and remember to set the variable nNumberOfMenus in the script to the same number of menus you have (remember it starts counting at 0) --><br><br> </body> </html> cuando eso kitas los caretos k asi lo copia bien |
#5•• Escrito originalmente por elt_trebor cuando eso kitas los caretos k asi lo copia bien ups, se me olvidó. Pero no puedes negar que se ve tierno el code con los emoticons esos ![]() De interés Público
NO AGREGARME COMO AMIGO, gracias Asuntos claros en los temas Consultas en temas no afines serán borradas Tratemos de expresarnos bien, que así da gusto leer |
#6• El codigo es algo lioso ¿no? |
#7• Busca algo en http://www.gamarod.com.ar/ hay hay mas de esos menus De interés Público
NO AGREGARME COMO AMIGO, gracias Asuntos claros en los temas Consultas en temas no afines serán borradas Tratemos de expresarnos bien, que así da gusto leer |
#8• Escrito originalmente por gaf Escrito originalmente por elt_trebor cuando eso kitas los caretos k asi lo copia bien ups, se me olvidó. Pero no puedes negar que se ve tierno el code con los emoticons esos ![]() si, mu mono ![]() |
ATENCIÓN: Este tema no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual |
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Por: jimmyaggroo, el 16/Oct/2010, 14:46 | ![]() ![]() | 4 | 935 | Oct/10 |