Usuario Novato
Usuario Novato

Hello everyone ,,

I'm going crazy with this PHPnuke, I couldn't put it to work. Ok, I am going to tell you step by step what I did and tell me please if I did something wrong or that I still have to do it.

Well first of all I got the PHPnuke 6.9 down !! then I opened it and uploaded the html folder to my @, then I modified the config.php, I put

$ dbhost = "";
$ dbuname = "locombia";
$ dbpass = "mipass";
$ dbname = "locombia";

Well, is that the essential thing to change if?
Well then I went to Administer SQL to put the nuke.sql document and when I put on continue it gives me this error: SQL query


CREATE TABLE confirm (

confirm_id char (32) NOT NULL default '',
session_id char (32) NOT NULL default '',
code char (6) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (session_id, confirm_id)

MySQL has said:

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near english news capread  '---- ------- --------------------- ---------------------- -

No idea why it will be tried to change the $ dbhost = ""; to localhost and nothing is the same what will be happening ??? Then I give  and this appears to me:

Warning: main (language / lang-.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/webcindario/locombia/mainfile.php on line 166

Warning: main (): Failed opening 'language / lang-. php 'for inclusion (include_path ='. ') in /home/webcindario/locombia/mainfile.php on line 166

Warning: head (themes // theme.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / home /webcindario/locombia/header.php on line 31

Warning: head (): Failed opening 'themes // theme.php' for inclusion (include_path = '.') in /home/webcindario/locombia/header.php on line 31

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: themeheader () in / home / webcindario / locombia / header.

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