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Pues veran estoy intentando colocar a mi foro un sistema rpg ya lo tengo todo incluso el EasyMod instalado en el panel de admisnitacion del foro y he subido a la carpeta de Mod todo el rpg pero a la hora de instalarlo no me sale en la lista me sale

All MODs have been processed.

Y me pone:

EasyMOD will scan for any .txt or .mod file in the directories in admin/mods to see if it's a MOD, that's why it won't find any MODs if they are just in the admin/mods directory and not in their own folder.
EasyMOD looks in the header of the MOD and needs to find at least a title and an author name in order to install. EM is fairly flexible in what it will accept, but optimally it is looking for the following format:
## MOD Title: mod_title_goes_here
## MOD Author: username < email > (real_name) website_url
## MOD Description: some_description_goes_here
## MOD Version: x.x.x
To check if a syntax of the MOD is correct try out the on-line MOD Validator. If all will be correct, but EM won't see your MOD then please report to EasyMOD fourm, thanks.

If you want to know more about the correct MOD template syntax then read this article.

alguuien me ayuda!!!!!¿¿¿

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

Quizás ese MOD no es compatible con el EasyMOD sino que lo tienes que instalar manualmente.

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Usuario habitual

Pues se supone que si de echo en las instrucciones viene asi bueno de echo ya encontre ese problema lo malo esque ahora me pone

Could not open [./mods/root/install.txt] for reading

alguien sabe que puedo hacer??
ya ando desquiciada jeje

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