hola buenas, vereis tengo un script de radio que lo que hace es averiguar si la radio está o no conectada. el scipt utiliza el tan conocido ini_set, asik me dio el famoso error. Entonces lo que hice fue meterle el //, pero nose si será que se ha jodido o algo el script, que si´funciona pero ahora me dice que la radio está offline cuando la tengo abierta. asi que, que solución me dais???
P.D. agrego el codigo php a ver si hallais algo raro:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////
// script name: sc status
// date: 8/30/2004
// author: dstjohn@mediacast1.com
// cause: checks status of a shoutcast server and display's online or offline status
// version: 1.0 final
// platform independant
// file name: sc_status.php
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////
//do not get cute and monkey with anything below, unless you know what u are doing.
include ('./config.php');
// override ini settings for script execution time, we dont need a minute to decide
// if a server is up or not, 10 seconds should be sufficient.
// ini_set("max_execution_time", "10");
//check config settings
if($useimage == 'yes' && $usetext == 'yes'){
echo 'You must choose text display or image display but not both<br>
please edit your config.php file<br>[ERROR: 1]';
//lets initiate a tcp socket connection to determine whether or not the server
//is actualy up.
//let me know where or not its up
$sock_init = 'FALSE';
//show them whether or not the server is actualy up or not
if($sock_init == 'FALSE'){
if($useimage == 'yes'){
echo ''.$station_name.' <img srv='.$offline_imgurl.'>';
}else if ($usetext == 'yes'){
echo ''.$station_name.' - '.$offline_text.'';
//check 7.html to see if dsp is connected
if($sock_init != 'FALSE'){
fputs($scp,"GET /7.html HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: SC Status (Mozilla Compatible)\r\n\r\n");
while(!feof($scp)) {
$sc7 .= fgets($scp, 1024);
//close it up
//while we got the page open into memory lets bomb n parse baby.
$sc7 = ereg_replace(".*<body>", "", $sc7);
$sc7 = ereg_replace("</body>.*", ",", $sc7);
$sc_contents = explode(",",$sc7);
$dummy = $sc_contents[0];
$dsp_connected = $sc_contents[1];
//check dsp connection and display the status of the shoutcast server in question
//do images first
if($sock_init != 'FALSE'){
if($dsp_connected == '1' && $useimage == 'yes'){
echo ''.$station_name.' <img srv='.$online_imgurl.'>';
}else if ($dsp_connected != '1' && $useimage == 'yes'){
echo ''.$station_name.' <img srv='.$offline_imgurl.'>offline image';
//do text if set
if($sock_init != 'FALSE'){
if ($dsp_connected == '1' && $usetext == 'yes'){
echo ''.$station_name.' - '.$online_text.'';
}else if($dsp_connected != '1' && $usetext == 'yes'){
echo ''.$station_name.' - '.$offline_text.'';
}//end 7.html