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It remembers me?
I am ThiagoLF
he is that one that you placed the site in return
very obliged for having taken off my site of new
I spoke to you that I perpetual went to be grateful
but I go to move of idea
very obliged NoSetup.tk

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman
A mi me da mucha penita contigo , se ve que te dolio la perdida de tu web, pero puedes volver a subirla, ademas no la tomes con NoSetup.tk , el no fue quien te quito tu web

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who was the donkey that took off my site?

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman
Escrito originalmente por ThiagoLF
who was the donkey that took off my site?

no fue un burro, fue un robot
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Usuario habitual

This is done automatically to all those webs that doesn't arrive to the minimum number of monthly visits.
You can upload your web again as I suppose you have a back-up on your HD

Fiestecillas del comite en Burriana,
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it takes off this law idiotic

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