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Tengo mi base de datos alojada en www.freesql.org y no puedo conectar desde miarroba, en local y en otros hosts no he tenido ningún problema.
Es casual o ha banneado freesql a miarroba?

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@man / @woman

¿De casualidad se te ocurrio mirar en la pagina de ellos?

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En la pagina de http://www.freesql.org/ dice:

Database Refresh 3/5/05
As you may have noticed, database subscriptions have been offline for some weeks because the poor server could not keep up and I had been putting off rewriting the reactivation script to correct some bugs. Well, long story short, I have gotten so many cries for help from people that desperately need databases that I just had to bring everything back online.

So, once again, your database is not gone, it was just taken offline. Reactivate it by following the link above. Email me if you have problems (name collisions, permission problems)

The good news is that I added more memory so it should at least be a tiny bit faster.

O sea... ellos tambien tienen saturado hasta el cuello su servicio Vacilando
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Usuario habitual
Usuario habitual
Escrito originalmente por .Caos.

¿De casualidad se te ocurrio mirar en la pagina de ellos?

Algo como:

En la pagina de http://www.freesql.org/ dice:

Database Refresh 3/5/05
As you may have noticed, database subscriptions have been offline for some weeks because the poor server could not keep up and I had been putting off rewriting the reactivation script to correct some bugs. Well, long story short, I have gotten so many cries for help from people that desperately need databases that I just had to bring everything back online.

So, once again, your database is not gone, it was just taken offline. Reactivate it by following the link above. Email me if you have problems (name collisions, permission problems)

The good news is that I added more memory so it should at least be a tiny bit faster.

O sea... ellos tambien tienen saturado hasta el cuello su servicio Vacilando

Ya, pero ya he reactivado mi BD hace mucho, y repito, la conexión desde otros hosts funciona perfectamente.
Les he mandao un e-mail preguntando por el supuesto banneo, no se si contestarán.

Una paranoia, miarroba no habrá bloqueado la conexión a bases de datos externas, no?
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