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Come y duerme en el foro
Come y duerme en el foro

Ayer phpBB  lanzo una nueva version (2.0.23 en este caso) de este popular sistema de foros.

El principal motivo fue corregir alguns bugs y cuestiones de seguridad.

    * [Fix] Correctly re-assign group moderator on user deletion (Bug #280)
    * [Fix] Deleting a forum with multiple polls included (Bug #6740)
    * [Fix] Fixed postgresql query for obtaining group moderator in groupcp.php (Bug #6550)
    * [Fix] Selected field on first entry by default for font size within posting_body.tpl (Bug #7124)
    * [Fix] Adjusted maxlength parameters in admin/styles_edit_body.tpl (Bug #81)
    * [Fix] Fixed html output in make_forum_select if no forums present (Bug #436)
    * [Fix] Fixed spelling error(s) in lang_admin.php (Bug #7172, #6978)
    * [Fix] Correctly display censored words in admin panel (Bug #12271)
    * [Fix] Do not allow soft hyphen \xAD in usernames (reported by Bander00)
    * [Fix] Fixed the group permission system's use of array access
    * [Fix] Simple group permissions now work properly
    * [Fix] Fix inability to export smilies (Bug #2265)
    * [Fix] Fixing some problems with PHP5 and register_long_arrays off
    * [Sec] Fix possible XSRF Vulnerability in private messaging and groups handling

Pueden descargarlo desde aquí.

Acyd Burn destaco que es importante que se realicen tanto los cambios como el update de la base de datos.
Fuente: phpbb-es.com

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recomendable el update para todos, aunque si me preguntan yo esperaré un poco .

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